The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

by 1234567890num

Part 12: Sinner

Yes, PGS patients are arising there as well.
So, even people recuperating at exclusive facilities are coming down with PGS.
Wait, what is "Elysium?"
A facility that was established as a result of the GUILT terrorism that erupted three years ago. A number of people infected by GUILT are being treated there until they can fully recover.
The unauthorized research of GUILT was forbidden by international law so Elysium was built in order to circumvent that.

Before you ask, Elysium is new to this game. Also, Adel's only purpose in this scene is to say those two lines.

But so many PGS cases are arising that even Elysium can't handle all of them. As a result, we've decided to accept one of their more intensive patients.
What is this patient's name?
...This may be painful for you two to hear, but...

A Sinner...!? You mean, one of the children we found on Delphi's base...?

Children were kidnapped from around the world and implanted with mutated forms of GUILT. In accordance with the zealots' beliefs, these test subjects were labeled as "Sinners." After Derek Stiles saved them from their terrible fate through a series of operations, they were taken into custody by the UN Army and began receiving treatment in medical facilities.

This is the plot of the final chapter of UtK, which was cut in SO for a completely new plotline.

The incoming patient is a young Mexican. His name is Emilio Juarez, age 17. The hepatitis he's suffering from is thought to be GUILT related, and it's fulminant.

Hepatitis means inflammation in the liver while fulminant means severe and sudden.

...He had to experience such pain at the hands of Delphi... And now he has to suffer PGS...
He can still be treated, though. We need to stay optimistic.
He'll be arriving in the afternoon. ...I'm counting on both of you.


My name is Heather Ross, and I'm Emilio's personal nurse.

Do you happen to speak Spanish?
No, not really...
Then, please allow me to interpret for you.
Oh, thank you. (Wow, she's... pretty.)
"Emilio, this is Dr. Stiles who will be taking care of you. Introduce yourself to him."
...Buenos tardes, Medico...

Buenos tardes means good morning while medico means doctor.

Blaze Dragon posted:

Almost, but not quite. First of all, "tardes" is "evening", not "morning". Second, the sentence is gramatically incorrect, "tarde" is a feminine word, it should be "buenas tardes". Furthermore, I'm not sure if this is different in Mexico than in Argentina so you can ignore this part, but we never call doctors "medico" (which in and of itself is gramatically incorrect, it's "médico"), we call them "doctor" (while the spelling is the same as in English, the pronunciation is not, doc-TOR rather than DOC-tor).

If you're going to put a different language in your game, try to write in it properly! This is a really basic sentence too, this isn't exactly difficult Spanish.

Google Translate actually shows "good afternoon", so the "morning" part is my fault

...Nice to meet you too, Emilio.
I'm Angie Thompson. A pleasure, Emilio.
...... "...Heather, I've met these people before..."
"Huh... You have?"

...He says that the two of you appear in his dreams.
...!? You mean he remembers what happened three years ago!?
He should have been unconscious...
"But, in my dream, they're very kind... They save me from my suffering..."
"Emilio... Dr. Stiles and Ms. Angie have operated on you in the past."
"So that's why..." Gracias, Medico...

If you look at the epilogue of UtK, this exact phrase appears as one of the 8 letters.

...Emilio was transported to Elysium from Mexico, but PGS suddenly struck his liver... It was concluded that further treatment would be impossible at Elysium. When we consulted Caduceus about this, we were told that you had returned to the country, Doctor.
So that's why...
Doctor, I beg of you! Please...! Please save Emilio!
Of course! We can't let him continue to suffer. We have to cure him. Caduceus will do everything in its power to make sure of it!

It looks like Post-GUILT Syndrome has caused an extreme case of hepatitis. Cellular damage is present in his liver, and the abdominal cavity is hemorrhaging as well. His liver has become almost nonfunctional, and he could start drifting out of consciousness. We must treat him as quickly as possible.

It's never stated directly (the sinners in UtK had no name), but he was infected by Pempti according to the wiki.

It's progressing much faster than we could have anticipated... We should operate immediately.
Agreed. That means there will be two operational objectives: We can treat the damaged areas of the liver by packing it with synthetic membranes.

Operation Video

Let's begin the operation. Please open the patient up.

His vitals are dropping and his pulse is very weak! ...A flatline! He's undergone cardiac arrest! Get the defibrillator ready!

I don't know how liver damage can cause cardiac arrest. This drops our vitals into 25 (after resuscitation) from 90.

We have a pulse! Resuscitation was successful! Let's continue, Doctor. First, drain the blood pool inside the abdominal cavity. Next, we'll be applying synthetic membranes to the wounds, and then affixing them with antibiotic gel. Toxicosis, has also set in, so please inject the sedative as well.

Our first order of business is get the vitals up. We'll want to have at least 70 vitals.

After that, we have to put all the membrane and then gel all of them simultaneously. Simultaneously is the keyword here.

It's hard because the blood pools will reform if we're not quick enough, which will make the membranes fall off. Having a membrane fall off won't count as a Miss, at least.

We're done treating all of the affected areas... but his vitals aren't stabilizing. Could there be more injuries...?

Nothing like the game instantly undoing all our hard work right before our eyes...

The synthetic membranes...! I-It's hemorrhaging again!
There must be a reason for this! Use the ultrasound to check out the area!

This is why we raised the vitals. Remember that cutting each of them reduces vitals by 7, not counting the damage caused by the wound itself.

Occasionally, the heart is going to beat irregularly. This means that fibrillation may occur. It didn't occur in the video.

Doing anything during fibrillation (except changing tools) will cause a Miss. After a certain time, it'll turn into cardiac arrest.

Realistically, you're supposed to use the defib during fibrillation (hence the name), which may cause a cardiac arrest. UtK did this right, but implied Angie to be an idiot who causes cardiac arrest after every fibrillation

You DEFINITELY want to safe the Healing Touch for the final big wound because the blood pools will reform much faster than before.

Even with it, they still reform too quickly. You'll have to drain two of them at once to be able to make it.

Dedicated people will play this part with two stylus so they can teleport the membranes. We can emulate this trick by using the pause/advance frame option, but I'm not that dedicated

The membranes have been affixed. It doesn't look like it's going to hemorrhage again. I think we're good to go.

They don't look that secure to me

Operation complete. Great work, Doctor.
Thanks, but... it's painful to operate on him again. I feel like I didn't do enough before.
Yes... But the one who's in most pain is Emilio, Doctor.
Yeah... Let's report back to Ms. Ross. I'm sure she'll be relieved.
...Ms. Ross, huh...
...Something wrong?

I missed the bonus where we can't let 2 or more membranes fall off.

Dr. Stiles! Is Emilio...!?
It's alright. The operation was successful.
Oh, thank heavens...! I'm so glad! Thank you so much, Doctor!
But... we'll still need to monitor his progress for a little while longer.
Is there a problem?
The damage to his liver was severe, so he may end up needing a liver transplant.
...! I thought as much...

Don't worry, Ms. Ross. It isn't something that we'll need to do so immediately.
OK... I'll still consult Elysium about this, though, to get things started.
And I'll do everything I can too...
Thank you... Doctor. Well, I'd like to be by Emilio's side, so if you'll excuse me... *leaves*
...I hope that Emilio gets better.
Me too...
You wouldn't want to make a beautiful woman like her cry, would you, Doctor?
Huh? What do you mean?
I guess it doesn't matter what your reasons are, as long as you do your best as a surgeon! *leaves*
Wha--? ...Angie...? (What's gotten into her...?)

Jealousy, that's what.

Don't you feel GUILTy for plagiarism?

5-2 Misfortune Strikes

The first part of the operation is exactly the same as before except the smaller wounds are replaced with toxicosis and we need 8 membranes (instead of 6 here). However, the end of that operation is only the halfway for this one.

5-3 Fade to Black

Yes, this operation stitches two NB ones. It even includes the fibrillations and horde of blood pockets. The drain is much faster there, so those operations are much easier (at least with Markus).